The enemy always works to point an accusing finger at the children of God. You are unworthy! You don’t deserve anything but punishment! What good are you, anyway! Don’t bother asking God for anything – he won’t pay any attention to you because you don’t deserve his attention!
How many times have you heard those words, or other similar accusations being whispered in your ears? Well, instead of paying heed to that destructive logic, take hold of this powerful truth from scripture.
God made this sinless man be a sin offering on our behalf, so that in union with him we might fully share in God’s righteousness.”
2 Corinthians 5:21 (Complete Jewish Bible – CJB)
I have read this verse from other versions, but this rendering is one of the best ones I’ve seen. Jesus was a man dealing with human weaknesses just as we do. Yet he never sinned. Not only that, but he willingly suffered unspeakable torture to pay for all of our sins. He could have walked away, but then we would have remained in the condition which Satan speaks of when he reminds us who we were. Notice that I said we were – not we are.
Those of us who have professed Jesus as our Lord and savior are part of a new kind of person. We are no longer people with broken, powerless spirits, but now, in Christ Jesus, we are God’s new creation. Our new, holy spirit is perfect! It can not sin. Yes, we still fall short and sin in our body and mind, but our spirit is righteous just as Jesus is righteous. Our new spirit is holy just as God is holy! Read this over and over until you begin to believe it, because it is the truth!