Matthew chapter 21 gives us a rather unique look at PRAYER. Although we read two separate incidents, they are actually related in what they teach us.
July 2017 Prayer Breakfast
James 5:16B tells us: The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
But, are you righteous?
June 2017 Prayer Breakfast
In celebration of Pentecost!
May 2017 Prayer Breakfast
In preparation for Pentecost, we read about Prayer In The Spirit.
April 2017 Prayer Breakfast
This month, we read some scripture related to the sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what it accomplished for us.
March 2017 Prayer Breakfast
In our March breakfast, we studied four verses of scripture concerning the topic of salvation. This is a clear and concise message for anyone interested in learning or teaching about how a person can be born again of God’s spirit.
February 2017 Prayer Breakfast
In our February Prayer Breakfast, we read some scripture on the topic of Holy Spirit. As children of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, we have awesome power available to us.
I invite you to pick up your bible, turn up the volume and listen!
January 2017 Prayer Breakfast
It seems like everyone makes resolutions at the beginning of each year. Therefore, I thought it would be beneficial for us to establish a spiritual theme at our first Prayer Breakfast.
I hope you will join us!
Vision For The United States Of America
A few weeks ago, Donald Trump spoke at the ribbon-cutting of the newly revitalized historic post office in Washington, D.C.
In his closing comments, he shared his heart-felt desire and vision for our great country. He spoke of unity, prosperity and peace. It was one of the most gentle yet enthusiastic speeches I have heard him deliver.
I captured that portion of the message and encourage you to listen to it. It will take less than five minutes of your time, and I think you will find it worthwhile.
Do You Dare To Give This Some Thought?
I am often surprised at the number of people who claim to be Christians, yet by their words and actions, it is obvious that they do not believe The Bible is God’s word.
For example, as I listened to the last presidential debate, I heard the question concerning abortion. I have also been involved in discussions on this topic with others over the years. I actually had one so-called Christian tell me that if science can prove that a baby is alive while in the womb they would change their position on abortion. (no mention of The Bible)
If you have ever carried a child or observed someone else, you have probably seen their glow the first time they feel their baby kick or move in the womb. The last time I checked, babies don’t move if they aren’t alive.
In the tragic situations when a baby stops moving in the womb, the obvious concern is that the child has died. How can it die if it wasn’t alive?
Based on these considerations, perhaps the best way to think of a baby in the womb is that it is a little person on life support.
The Bible does not give a clear statement on when life begins, but consider this verse:
And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:
Luke 1:41 (KJV)
Once again, we see the response of a child still in the womb. There is no valid argument to support that a baby is not alive while it is in its mother’s womb. The argument seems to be that the life is somehow still that of the mother so she has a right to end it if she desires. So should we call it a partial suicide?
When a person is placed on life support, is it no longer their life, but the life force of a machine? I don’t think so. The only valid question one could ask in that case is whether or not the life would be sustained without support. If you remove them from life support you are still ending a life. In terms of late term abortions, not only is a baby removed from the womb, but the child also has its brain sucked out of its head just to be sure it can’t sustain life! If that isn’t murder then you must be reading a different set of scriptures than I read. If a woman has the right to kill her child because she bore it, then I guess every mother has the right to kill any of her children, regardless of age. Well then, what about fathers?
I often hear the argument that a woman deserves the right to freedom of choice.
This is absolutely true. Did you know that before Jesus was conceived in Mary’s womb, she was given a choice? She had to agree to God’s plan, otherwise, he would have chosen someone else to bear his only begotten son. If this surprises you, read the following verses.
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
Luke 1:35-38 (KJV)
The conception did not take place until Mary said: Be It Unto Me According To Thy Word.
In one way or another, every woman who conceives makes that same choice, except in the horrible case of rape.
From a biblical perspective, the choice has been made once conception occurs.
There are many examples where people simply do not even consider the position of The Bible as they live their lives. As I note in my book, if you ask most Christians if they believe in salvation, they will give you a puzzled look, and affirm that, indeed, they do. Yet, if you ask them if they believe they are headed for heaven, they may give you an answer of uncertainty. Why? Because they say they believe in salvation by grace through faith, but in reality, they believe that their works determine whether or not they will make it to heaven.
Perhaps you are filled with sorrow and regret as you read this post. Maybe you fell into the trap of the devil’s logic, and went through an abortion. If you have accepted salvation through Jesus Christ, you are a new creation and you have been made righteous. May God comfort and surround you with his love, and assurance that all of your sins are forgiven.
The Bible is filled with God’s promises, precepts and everything pertaining to life and godliness. We are instructed to be followers (imitators) of God. What a day it will be when we actually believe that we are reading a little of God’s heart when we read scripture! What an amazing day it will be when we take hold of the truths we read, and live them!